
An experienced and
complementary team

Jose A. Martinez-Climent

Chief Scientific Officer Founder

30+ years of research in basic and translational oncology
Authors of >100 scientific articles in top hematology and oncology journals (Nature Medicine, Cancer Discovery, Cancer Cell, PNAS, Blood)

Ricardo Pérez Merino

Managing Director

Economist with +25 years of experience, mainly in the PE industry having participated in more than 20 deals and directly involved in more tan 15 board of directors, most of them related to biotech industry

Marta Larrayoz

R&D Director

Three years as post-doctoral fellow in Hematological-Oncology at the University of Southampton  (2013-2016). Marta Larráyoz joined MIMO Biosciences in 2024 as R&D Director, after 10 years working on the development of diverse in vivo models for solid cancers and hematological malignancies, (lymphoma and multiple myeloma). As a translational scientist, her expertise in basic and preclinical oncology is well documented by more than 20 peer-reviewed publications. At MIMO, her main focus is the generation of next-level in vivo platforms that humanize therapeutic targets and immune system cells, aiming to advance translational research.

María José García

Lab Manager

Awarded with a Fulbright grant for Postdoctoral studies at the Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washington D.C and at the Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia PA.(2006)  More than 20 years of experience as scientist on Cancer Research field reflected on more than 15 relevant scientific publications and up to 15 years planning and performing preclinical research with transgenic models.  Associated professor at University of Navarra.

Carmen Vicente

Myeloma Program Director

Postdoctoral fellow for 5 years in the Jan Cools Lab at the VIB-KU Leuven, (Belgium). Over 10 years of experience in management and execution of research projects to identify cancer driven mutations/pathways and their targeted opportunities across different hematological malignancies. Actively involved in multiple myeloma translational research during the last years. Co-author of 28 scientific publications in peer reviewed international journals and participation on several national/international competitive funded research projects.

Ion Celay

Lymphoma Program Director

Postdoctoral researcher in Hemato-Oncology Program at Cima-Universidad de Navarra Research Center. More than 10 years of experience in cellular and molecular biology with high specific expertise in design and execution in pre-clinical trials in Lymphoma . Co-author in more than 15 scientific publications and inventor in one international patent. Team member in 4 international and 7 national competitive projects. Granted with Predoctoral Navarra’s Government grant and and Juan De La Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Maddalen Jiménez

Project manager

Postgraduate Master in Immunologic Research from the Complutense University of Madrid and training course in Oncology and immunology from National Centre of Biotechnology (CNB, Madrid). Since 2015 is responsible for the implementation and management in CIMA and MIMO’s facilities of the preclinical studies with the transgenic and syngeneic models as well as the supervision of the upcoming cohorts due to her high expertise in preclinical experimentation and molecular biology.


Modeling Science for Cancer Therapy